Tezpur University, India-US Collaboration supported by NSF, Jan 20-28, 2023.

Celebrating a successful Fall Semester Dec 23, 2022.

Summer Lunch Aug 11, 2022.

Sincere condolences and prayers to my dearmost friend and colleague Dr. Chintan Patel. You will be missed greatly. Aug 9,2022

Vinjamuri Lab welcomes Mitra, a humanoid robot, Aug 5, 2022

Productive Summer, 2022.

Parthan Olikkal defended his Master's Thesis titled "Kinematic and Muscle Synergies in Grasping Hand" and graduated with a Masters in Computer Science, August 2021.

Our first lab meeting, October 2020.

Over to UMBC, Aug 22, 2020

2019 Brain-Computer Interface Workshop for Motor Control and Rehabilitation

To friends, family, and our researchers on the opening days of Summer 2019!

Congratulations to Dr. Ritter on his retirement!

Brain-Computer Interface Workshop for Control, Assessment, and Rehabilitation

Dr. Vrajeshri Patel's Excellence Award and Hooding Ceremony

Dr. Vinjamuri Receives the 2018 Distinguished Teaching Assistant Professor Award

Martin Burns and Stevens Students at the NJ ISPE Poster Contest

Marco Santello visits Stevens

Halloween Theme in the Lab by Rachel Rosa

End of Spring Semester Lunch 2017

Special treat by my students on my birthday

Dr. Shyam Jaiswal, a Neurologist from Care Hospitals,
Hyderabad, India visits our lab April 30th, 2017.

Dr. Michael Boninger, Professor from University of Pittsburgh
visits Stevens and our lab April 21st, 2017.

Innovation Expo 2016

Summer Research 2016

Summer 2015: Celebrating Vrajeshri becoming a PhD candidate at Bareburger, Hoboken

Spring Research 2015

Summer Research 2014